Raph was, in all honesty, the only ninja in the group. Leo was more of a samuri then a ninja, Donnie would have been happy never going into combat, just being a tech guy, and Mikey... look, we all know that Mike was just doing the martial arts thing to make his dad happy. Mike has no ambition and would have sat on his ass watching TV and playing Turtles in Time all damn day. He put in the minimal amount of effort required to keep Splinter from getting all dissapointed in him. Raph looked out for him, or he would have been dead in half the battles he fought anyway.
Raphael reminds me of myself. He doesn't take shit. He strikes in the dark, swiftly and silently, like a real ninja. He will put on a trench coat and go watch Critters, despite being a mutant turtle. He hangs out with a Canadian badass in a hockey mask. Raphael, without a doubt, is the best turtle. You're welcome to your own opinion, but Raph will forever hold a special place in my heart.
So, imagine my surprise and delight when I read on NPR that a new turtle movie was coming out!! The last movie, Turtles Forever, was fucking epic. I kept waiting on it to suck, and it never did! The story tied the various universes together seamlessly for fans- it was quite possibly the best crossover that I've ever seen in the history of all time. It was amazing. So I ask myself, where will they go from there? There's a million comic storylines to explore. We could see the multiverse fighting championships, which would look amazing with today's technological advancements in movie magic- we could get cyborg Donnie, or that time that Leo challenged Hiroko for leadership of the foot clan, and all the grunts backed down, because as Himato's child he totally has a right to do that. We could revisit dimension X, an multidimensional battle in this day and age would look amazing!
I'm going to reserve judgement until we see more from this.
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